Teens @ CBC

Welcome to Calvary Bible Church Teen Ministries!
Our purpose is to glorify God by making disciples. We strive to achieve this goal by introducing individuals to Jesus Christ through the Word of God.  We encourage growth in their daily walk as a follower of Jesus Christ and assist them in developing as strong grounded believers. Our desire is for teens to find true, lasting relationships with Jesus Christ, other believers, and here at Calvary Bible Church.

Teen Group meets regularly on Wednesdays, 6:15-8:15 PM and includes: a “game time,” announcements, a message from Scripture, and small group time. There is a wide range of activities, ministries, and opportunities to socialize in and out of teen group to meet teens’ needs. Please check out the Teen Calendar! Sunday mornings the teens meet at 9:30 AM for a short, focused time in the Word using the Gospel Project Curriculum.

The theme for the year is “A Faith Outside My Four Walls; Living Outside the Box.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV 

God has not asked us to live in a bubble closed off or afraid of the world around us. He commanded us to go into the world and make disciples, teaching them what our Lord Jesus Christ has said and showing them why a life following Him is better than anything this world can offer.

Teenagers coming to CBC will find a strong emphasis on relationships. The most important relationship they can ever have is with Jesus Christ. The relationship with Jesus Christ helps the teens have an opportunity of deeper bonds and fellowship with their peers. Life is for service, and we take that calling seriously as we have many opportunities to do just that.


Youth Who Don’t Leave the Church

I’d like to recommend an excellently written article, “3 Common Traits of Youth Who Don’t Leave the Church,” by Jon Nielson. There are 25+ books on why youth, teens, and

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