Women's Ministries

Encouraging women in every stage of life ...

  • For women to honor the Lord by using the gifts He has given to each of them and to develop those gifts to their full potential by serving Him.
  • To provide activities that will edify, encourage, and enable women to grow in their own personal walk with the Lord.
  • To provide a welcoming place where the women of our church and community can work together to support and practice our church vision, To know Him and make Him known.
Women's Ministry Web Photos

Bible Study

Wednesdays: 6:30 PM–8:00 PM

This study brings ladies of all ages together to study God’s Word on Wednesday Evenings, 6:30–8:00 PM. Various topical studies as well as book studies are held throughout the ministry year. 

Contact the CBC office at 717-632-3954.

Ladies' Connection Sunday School Class

The Ladies’ Connection Sunday School Class is designed for ladies to come together to exalt the Savior and edify one another through discipleship, prayer, and encouragement. This class meets every Sunday from 9:30 AM–10:15 AM.

Contact the CBC office at 717-632-3954.

Ladies' Connection Sunday School Web
Ladies' Activities Web

Ladies' Activities

Our activities encourage fellowship and provide a social time for the women of CBC. These activities may include events like game or craft nights, flower picking, or a ladies’ night out!


Women's Conference

The Women’s Conference is for ladies who love to fellowship, worship, and study God’s Word together. The Conference is a one-day event featuring a special speaker, scheduled one time a year in the spring, and is often held at CBC to keep the cost to a minimum. Past speakers have included Micah Maddox, Nicki Koziarz, and Debbie Stuart. Register by clicking here starting March 9!

Women's Ministry Web Photos Conf 2025
Ladies' Fellowship Web2

Ladies' Fellowship Bible Study

First and third Wednesdays of the month at 9:30 AM

The Ladies’ Fellowship Bible Study is designed to bring ladies together for support, encouragement, and time in God’s Word. Enjoy a Bible study, sharing, and prayer from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM.

Contact the CBC office to find out more.

Funeral Luncheons

Funeral luncheons are a way to bless and provide a meal following the death of a CBC member. A team of ladies works together to serve a luncheon to families following a CBC member’s funeral/memorial service.

Contact the CBC office with questions or interest!

Funeral Luncheon Web
Meal Ministry Web2

Meal Ministry

This ministry provides home cooked or purchased meals to those in our CBC family needing assistance for various reasons, like the birth of a child, recovering from surgery, etc.

Contact the CBC office if you’d like to help with this ministry.

Pins & Needles

Saturday Mornings

This group is for ladies who love to sew! Pins & Needles assists with outreaches during the year by preparing and sewing items like pillowcases and bags to be used by other ministries.

Contact the office if you’d like to get involved with this ministry.

Pins and Needles Web


Tuesday evenings, January through July

This ministry brings teen girls and ladies together to fellowship and compete with other area church volleyball teams. You must be 13 years old or more to participate. Games and practices are normally held on Tuesday evenings.

Contact the office for more information!

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