
Missions Leadership Team

The purpose of Calvary Bible Church’s missions program is to realize our vision of being a people who love our global neighbors. We want to love them by compassionate acts of service and clear proclamation of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Scriptures convict us that everyone must be invited to receive Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit gives us the desire to move out, teaching and encouraging others to become Jesus’ disciples.

We currently support 30+ missionaries and organizations around the globe, and approximately 22% of CBC’s budget is devoted to supporting our global friends. Many members of our congregation have been blessed to participate in cross-cultural missions trips. Our annual World Awareness Conference and other missions events provide opportunities to grow in our understanding and involvement in what God is doing to make His name known among all nations. 

Salt and Light Team

The Salt & Light team endeavors to engage and share the gospel with our neighbors in the Hanover community. We do this through events like Epic Inflatables Family Fun Day, Trunk or Treat, and more. Members of the Salt & Light team brainstorm events and put them into action!  

Calvary Cares

Calvary Bible Church desires all its members to be an encouragement to those who are hospitalized, in rehab or nursing care, at home with physical needs, or shut-in and not able to attend church. 

The primary goals of this ministry are encouragement (1 Thess. 5:11), prayer support (James 5:16), and bearing of burdens (Gal. 6:2). Ways you can show Calvary cares is to visit, make a phone call, send a card, or take a meal!  

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