Wednesday Evenings, 6:30 PM

Awana clubs are now in full swing! Please call the CBC office for more information, (717) 632-3954 or email We love to have a church full of clubbers on Wednesday evenings and praise God for continuing to provide for our children’s ministry.

Register Now  Click Here

Completed registration forms or questions, especially regarding cost and the availability of full or partial scholarships, can be e-mailed to You may also bring the forms and your questions on Wednesday nights between 6:15 and 6:30 PM.

Fellowship around God’s Word while together, and fun-filled activities and games that encourage both individual and group participation is the backdrop for the two main goals of Awana:

1) reaching boys and girls with the gospel of Jesus Christ and

2) training them to serve Him

Clubs meet weekly on Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM.

CHECK-IN begins at 6:15 PM, not before that time. Club begins at 6:30 PM sharp. Parents should check children in at the computers inside “F” door each evening. Clubbers may then proceed to their class to participate in the flag ceremony, Bible Time, Handbook Time, and Game Time. Please be sure you sign-in your child each week.

During Bible Time either the club director or one of the leaders teaches a lesson from God’s Word.

Handbook Time is when children recite memory verses they have practiced during the week. When attempting to pass a section, if necessary, each child may be given two helps (a help is limited to 3 words, gestures, or any other such hint). You can aid in your child’s handbook success by listening to her/him recite the sections at home. Please be sure your child is reciting the reference before and after the verse. Children should also be able to answer questions about vocabulary. For most children it is beneficial if they recite no more than two sections each week. We have found it is necessary that leaders spend more time reviewing verses with children because they are not retaining what they previously recited. Our goals for memorization are comprehension of the verse’s meaning, and application to daily life.

Game Time is a unique opportunity to play fun games and to learn Christian sportsmanship and ethics. Most games are played around the Awana circle. Sneakers are a must.

PICK-UP your clubbers promptly at 8 PM. Cubbies and Sparks must be picked up at their classrooms. If another person will be picking up your child, please let the classroom worker know and make sure that person has been approved by you on your child’s registration form. T&T clubbers are dismissed per parent instructions.


Children should not attend Awana if they have any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever (99.5 or higher) within the last 24 hours
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea within the last 24 hours
  • Runny noses or cough
  • Any rash that is expected to be contagious


Club cancellations will be announced on our Facebook page and through the Remind App via a text message. You may also check the church website: 

REMIND APP – Get important Awana info right to your phone!

  1. If you have a smartphone, get push notifications. On your phone go to the following link: and follow the instructions. You’ll be prompted to download the app.
  2. If you don’t have a smartphone, get text notifications. Text the message @84k273h to the number 81010. If you have trouble with 81010 try texting @84k273h to (571) 384-4503.
  3. Don’t have a mobile phone? Go to on a desktop computer to sign up for email notifications.


  1. Work with your child at home. Help him/her memorize and understand God’s Word. A brief session every day works much better than cramming on the way to church. Encourage them! Memorizing is hard work! (Children may be given 2 helps.)
  2. Bring your child on time and attend faithfully. Make sure he/she is prepared by bringing his book, wearing his uniform and appropriate clothing, and having at least one section memorized.
  3. Ask your child’s leader how you can help. Consider helping in Awana!



Awana lessons, memory verses, music, and additional tips are available at: