Calvary Connects – Adult Sunday School

Ladies' Sunday School Class
Ladies Connection

What is Adult Sunday School?

The goal of each teacher is to assist the students God has entrusted to them in the process of ‘maturing in the faith.’ We believe this can only be accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit as we faithfully instruct from the Word of God to evangelize the lost and equip, edify, and exhort God’s saints.

It shall be our aim to cultivate an atmosphere in which believers will have a common faith strengthened, our bonds in Christ solidified, and our unity with one another fortified.

It shall always be our endeavor to model a Shepherd’s spirit to demonstrate the ‘love of Christ’ both in and out of the classroom setting, that we might have the greatest impact in our teaching.

All Sunday School classes begin at 9:30 AM and end at 10:15 AM. Classes and topics may change quarterly. Sunday School classes are also available for infants through teen-aged children during the Adult Bible hour.



Seasons of Life Classes
Singles and Friends
Young Adults Ministry (Ages 18-24)
Wisdom Seekers Class
Elective Classes - For any age group or marital status
Adult Elective
The Journeyers